Thank you for signing up for our workout punch pass! Below are details regarding how to rsvp for workouts and view the calendar.
First, please subscribe to our google calendar here. This is where we will be loading all of the workouts, providing additional details, alerting you to changes and where you will RSVP to attend.
Next, join the workouts Whatsapp group here. This group will be the main way we communicate with you any last minute changes, cancellations or important announcements for classes (like if conditions will be icy to wear trail shoes/bring traction, etc).
For most Red Rocks classes, unless otherwise noted in google calendar we will meet at the Trading post (map link in calendar) at 9am, snow or shine! Wear layers and bring water and traction if it has snowed.
-----> Google calendar invites will be sent out weekly, make sure to RSVP so we know to expect you and change it if you can no longer make it.
Contact info: We should have your email from the paypal payment system which we will use to send updates and communication about the course. If you have a preferred email account separate from this one, please send it to us. Lauren's email and cell (in case you are lost/late/can't make it): lifes2shortfitness@gmail.com720-352-3638
LAST thing!
We are also offering weekly strength and conditioning for runners/bikers zoom workouts Dec-March on Monday evenings and Friday early mornings. We will do cardio + lots of glute and core work and incorporate a little piyo too (pilates/yoga). You can use your punch card for these workouts and we will include you in calendar invites for these too.